Beauty Tips

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing During Pregnancy

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing During Pregnancy


I know what you’re thinking: Pregnancy is supposed to be a joyous time that’s free of stress and worry. You’re not supposed to have to think about anything except how many weeks until your due date, right? Well, sorry to break it to you but you will have some responsibilities during this timeā€”and one of them is taking care of your skin. It may seem like an additional responsibility, but it’s actually incredibly important if you want your skin to look good while pregnant (and beyond). Here are my top tips for keeping your skin glowing during pregnancy:

Eat well

It’s important to eat a balanced diet in order to maintain your skin and hair. A healthy body means a healthy mind, so make sure you’re getting enough nutrients from the food you eat.

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. These foods are great sources of vitamins A and C, which help keep your skin looking young and healthy. If they’re not a part of your regular diet, try adding them in!
  • Make sure that most (if not all) of what you consume is organic–it’ll be better for both baby and mother alike!
  • Avoid processed foods whenever possible; they contain artificial colors that can cause issues with acne during pregnancy.

Drink water

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps to flush toxins out of your body and will make you feel more refreshed, so drink it before, during and after meals. When you wake up in the morning, drink some water as well–it’ll help to kickstart digestion for the day ahead! If you feel thirsty during the day: keep drinking! It’s recommended that women consume about 2 liters (about 8 cups) throughout pregnancy because their bodies are working harder than ever before to support baby development as well as themselves.

If this seems like too much information on how much liquid we need each day then don’t worry–there are plenty more ways we can stay hydrated without having to count every last drop we take in…


If you’re pregnant, sleep is one of the most important things for your body and mind. Sleep helps you to maintain a healthy weight, stay healthy and energetic, feel calm and happy, stay focused on your goals–and much more!

It’s easy to get distracted from getting enough rest when there are so many things going on in your life right now (like preparing for baby). But if we don’t take care of ourselves now, then it will be harder than ever later on. So make sure that every night before bedtime:

Reduce stress

Stress can have a serious impact on your skin. Stressors, such as financial worries or relationship conflicts, cause hormone imbalances that can make skin problems worse.

Stress also ages the body faster–it causes wrinkles and fine lines to appear sooner than they would otherwise. It also makes our pores larger so that oil accumulates more easily, which leads to oily skin and breakouts (and darker spots). And if you’re already dealing with acne? Stress will only make it worse!

Keep your skin clean and exfoliated

The most important thing to do is use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser. You can still wash your face with soap–just make sure it’s not harsh or abrasive. Don’t scrub your skin too hard and don’t use a washcloth (they’re great for exfoliating dead skin cells, but they can also irritate sensitive areas like around the eyes).

If you have acne, breakouts or blackheads on your back or chest area, try using an exfoliating product that contains salicylic acid to help clear up those spots.

Use sun protection

When it comes to protecting your skin, sunscreen is the biggest weapon in your arsenal. Choose a good one that’s SPF 30 or higher, and apply it regularly–even if you’re not planning on being outside for long. It’s also important that you wear a hat when spending time in the sun; this will keep rays from hitting your face directly and causing damage from reflected light as well.

If possible, avoid tanning beds altogether while pregnant (or after giving birth). Tanning beds emit UV radiation at levels much higher than what’s found naturally in sunlight; they can lead to premature aging of the skin and even skin cancer down the road if used frequently enough over time.

There are many ways to keep your skin glowing during pregnancy.

There are many ways to keep your skin glowing during pregnancy, and the first step is to eat well. Your body needs nutrients to stay healthy and glowy, so make sure you’re getting enough vitamins A, B6 and C in your diet.

Next up: drink plenty of water! Water helps flush out toxins from the body which can lead to breakouts or dullness in the complexion if not kept hydrated enough.

Sleep is another key factor when it comes to keeping that fresh look while pregnant–it gives tired muscles time to recuperate so they don’t look saggy under all those layers of clothes (and stretch marks). Finally reduce stress as much as possible by taking care of yourself physically and mentally throughout this exciting time!


If you have any questions about keeping your skin glowing during pregnancy, please contact us at PINTEREST. We are happy to help!