Asian Recipes

How to make delicious Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir


If you’re looking for an easy way to make a tasty Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir, look no further. We’ve got everything you need to know about making this dish, from preparation through cooking and even serving. Here’s how:

Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir Recipe


How to make delicious Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir

500 grams of chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces

4 tablespoons of light soy sauce (kecap)

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper to taste

1. Prepare the ingredients.

  • Prepare the ingredients
  • Put the chicken on a plate and marinade with salt and pepper for 30 minutes or more, if you like
  • Cut onion into big wedges, slice chili lengthwise and cut into pieces about 1 cm wide (if you like spicy food, use more chili)

2. Boil the rice in water.

  • Boil the rice in water.

Rice is a staple food for many Asian countries, including Indonesia and Malaysia. It’s easy to cook, and it goes well with many dishes like nasi bakar ayam suwir (barbecued chicken). You can buy pre-made packages of rice that have been parboiled or pre-cooked at your local grocery store or supermarket; however, if you want to make this dish truly authentic then try boiling your own uncooked white long grain rice instead! To do so:

  • Put one cup of uncooked white long grain rices in a pot on medium heat until it boils (about 10 minutes). Then turn off the heat and cover with lid while letting sit for another 15 minutes before serving

3. Fry and season chicken wings with salt and pepper powder, garlic, onions and spices.

  • Fry and season chicken wings with salt and pepper powder, garlic, onions and spices.

Fry the chicken wings in a frying pan until they are browned on both sides. Season with salt and pepper powder, garlic, onion and spices. Cook until cooked through (about 10-15 minutes).

4. Make a hole in the center of a banana leaf, place a piece of chicken on top of it and wrap it up like a parcel.

  • Make a hole in the center of a banana leaf, place a piece of chicken on top of it and wrap it up like a parcel.

Use a sharp knife to make a hole in the center of the banana leaf, then place your marinated chicken on top of it before wrapping it up like a parcel. Make sure your parcel is tightly wrapped so that when you cook it, there’s no chance that any part could fall out or get burned by fire (which would ruin its taste).

5. Roast over hot coals or on an oven tray at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4 for 15 minutes, turning occasionally to ensure even cooking and browning.

You’ll need to roast the chicken over hot coals or on an oven tray at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4 for 15 minutes, turning occasionally to ensure even cooking and browning.

You can make delicious Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir with these tips

You can make delicious Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir with these tips:

  • Prepare the ingredients. You need to prepare chicken wings, green onions and garlic cloves. You also need to boil the rice in water for 5-10 minutes before frying it with oil and salt until they become golden brown.
  • Frying chicken wings and seasoning them with salt and pepper powder, garlic, onions and spices will help enhance their flavor so that it goes well with your dish when eaten together!


We hope this article has helped you understand how to make delicious Nasi Bakar Ayam Suwir. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below!