Beauty Tips

Black Smokey Eye Makeup Step by Step


Whether you’re going for a soft, romantic look or a sultry smoky eye, this is how to do it!

1. Prime your eyes with concealer.

  • Prime your eyes with concealer.

This is one of the most important steps in creating a smokey eye look, and it’s also probably the easiest! You want to use a cream or liquid concealer that matches your skin tone (I prefer using a stick concealer because it’s easier to blend on top of), and then apply it with a small brush all over the eyelid area and up into your brow bone. Make sure you blend well so there aren’t any harsh lines left behind!

2. Protect sensitive areas with a cream base.

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to irritation, apply a cream base to the lid and under the eye. This will prevent any harsh shadows from settling into these delicate areas and keep them looking fresh all day long.

First, use a light shade of cream concealer on top of your foundation (if you’re using one). It doesn’t matter which brand or type; just pick one that matches your skin tone as closely as possible. Using an angled brush like this one would make it easier for you to reach those hard-to-get spots around the inner corners of your eyes without accidentally smudging any makeup that’s already been applied there!

Then blend everything together until there aren’t any obvious lines left behind by either product–you want everything blended smoothly together so that when people look at themselves after applying these steps in real life later today instead of just reading about them now online first thing Monday morning before heading off into workday traffic jams across town…

3. Apply liquid eyeliner to the upper lash line.

To create the perfect winged eyeliner, you’ll need a thin brush and liquid eyeliner. Dip the tip of your brush into some liquid liner and draw a line close to your lashes but not too close to your eye. Make sure that it is straight and even so that when you go back for step 4 below, it will look polished instead of messy!

4. Create a winged shape at the corner of each eye with black pencil liner.

  • Use a pencil liner to create a winged shape at the corner of each eye.
  • Draw a line that is slightly curved, making sure it’s thick enough to be visible and dark enough to be seen clearly.
  • Make sure your line is straight enough so that you don’t end up with an uneven shape when you’re done drawing it.

5. Apply a dark brown (or black) shadow to the crease of your eyelid, blending it as you apply for a smoky effect.

Now that you have the basic black eyeliner on, it’s time to add some color. First, use a fluffy brush and apply the shadow to the crease of your eyelid. If you’re using a dark brown shade or black shadow, blend it as you apply for a smoky effect.

6. Line the lower lash line with black liquid liner, applying from the outer corner inward toward the tear duct but not all the way across it — or use another dark shade to fill in any gaps left behind by your upper lash line penciling efforts if that’s what you prefer doing here instead!

Now that your upper lash line is complete, it’s time to line your lower lash line. Apply the liner from the outer corner inward toward the tear duct but not all the way across it — or use another dark shade to fill in any gaps left behind by your upper lash line penciling efforts if that’s what you prefer doing here instead!

7. If you have them, curl your lashes and apply mascara; if not, don’t worry about it until later on in this exercise!

Now that your eyes are all done, it’s time to move onto the rest of your face. If you have time and want to do more with your makeup, go ahead and curl those lashes! If not, don’t worry about it until later on in this exercise!

You’ll also want to apply mascara now if possible – but again, if not then don’t worry about it too much because we still have a lot of steps left before putting on blush (so many steps).

This is how you do a smokey eye makeup

Now that you have your base, it’s time for liner. If you’re using a cream base, apply liquid liner to the upper lash line and create a winged shape at the corner of each eye with black pencil liner.

If you’re using a powder shadow as an eyeliner, use a small brush or angled eyeliner brush (I prefer the latter) to apply it all over your upper lid–but keep in mind that this technique won’t work with every shade of color! The key here is finding one that blends well into your crease when applied sparingly with just enough pressure so that there aren’t any harsh lines showing through when they shouldn’t be there.


I hope you enjoyed learning how to do a smokey eye makeup! Smokey eyes are one of the most popular looks for both day and night, so it’s important that you have at least one go-to look like this in your arsenal. And if you want more inspiration? Check out some more tips below on how to create different looks with your favorite colors and finishes.