Beauty Tips

Makeup results are often menor? These are 8 common mistakes when applying makeup

These are 8 common mistakes when applying makeup


Women are very interested in makeup, and they want to look beautiful and attractive. But sometimes the results of applying makeup are not as good as you expect. Is that really due to the makeup? In fact, there are many common mistakes when applying makeup. These 8 tips will help you avoid these mistakes so that your makeup is more perfect!

Too many colors

  • Too many colors

Makeup results are often menor? These are 8 common mistakes when applying makeup:

  • Too many colors will make you look old.
  • Try to use only two colors, a light shade and a darker color for shading.
  • Use a light shade on the eyelids, and a darker one on the outer corner of your eye (or vice versa).

Wrong color base

These are 8 common mistakes when applying makeup

The color of your base is the most important part of your makeup. It should match your skin tone and be light, not too dark. The best bases are matte and transparent, so they don’t hide any flaws in your skin. They should also be moisturizing to prevent dryness or irritation on top of other products that may cause redness or flaking, which will make it harder for you to achieve smooth results later on in the process!

Crayon eyeshadow

If you have ever used eyeshadow as a crayon and drawn on your face, then you know the feeling of disappointment when it doesn’t look like the picture on the box. Eyeshadow is not meant to be used this way! It’s an art form–it requires skill and patience in order for it to look beautiful on your skin tone.

Here are some common mistakes people make when applying eyeshadow:

  • Using too much color/too dark of a shade (this will make your eyes look smaller)
  • Not blending enough between colors or at all (this makes everything blend together into one big blob)
  • Forgetting about eyeliner or mascara (you need both!)

Eyeliner Color that doesn’t match the eye

These are 8 common mistakes when applying makeup

  • Eyeliner color that doesn’t match the eye. This is one of the most common makeup mistakes women make, but it’s also one of the easiest to fix. If your eyeliner isn’t a good match for your eyes, it will draw attention away from them and make them look smaller than they really are.
  • Eyeliner color that is too dark or too light for your skin tone (or even just wrong altogether). When choosing an eyeliner shade, think about whether you have light-colored eyes and pale skin–in which case black will probably work best–or dark brown eyes with olive skin–in which case gray or navy blue could work better than black because they’re less harsh on darker complexions.*
  • Not enough blending between eye shadow colors applied above and below each other on top lid.* Applying too much powder shadow all over lids; this gives an unnatural look as well as makes eyes appear smaller.

Wrong makeup color or tone

  • The color of makeup you choose should match your skin tone. It’s important to choose a foundation that matches your skin, because this will make it easier to find the right shades for other products like eyeshadow and blush.
  • Use a foundation color as an indicator for other colors in your routine: If you want to know what color blush or eyeshadow would look best on you, try applying some of the same shade from your face onto the back of one hand (without any moisturizer). If it looks good there, then chances are good that it’ll look great on other parts of your face too!

Too dense shadow

  • Too dense shadow
  • Dark eyeshadow can make your eyes look smaller. It’s a common mistake to use dark eyeliner and shadow on the upper eyelid, but this will actually make your eyes look smaller, as well as making them appear droopy or tired. Instead, try using a lighter shade of shadow – such as white or beige – in the inner corner of your eye to brighten up your look and open up that area so it appears larger than it is (which makes it appear more youthful). You can also apply a more neutral shade over the entire lid if you want something less dramatic than black or browns; this will still give off some definition but won’t overwhelm everything else on your face!

Not applying makeup before going to bed at night? The result will be like this!

If you don’t remove your makeup before going to bed at night, the result will be like this!

  • Makeup will not be absorbed by the skin and clogs pores.
  • It causes acne and skin problems.
  • Wrinkles appear more quickly than usual because of too much sun exposure during the day and lack of rest at night when you sleep with makeup on your face (especially if it is heavy).

Try not to make these makeup mistakes.

  • Don’t apply makeup before going to bed.
  • Don’t apply too many colors at once.
  • Don’t apply crayon eyeshadow.
  • Don’t apply eyeliner color that doesn’t match your eye color, or else it will make you look like an alien with one green eye and one blue! Also, don’t use liquid eyeliner if you’re not confident enough in your skills yet–it’s easy to mess up and make yourself look like a clown instead of a beautiful woman with long lashes (and this applies for all kinds of liquid products). Finally, never ever use black as an eyeshadow base because then everyone will see how bad your skin looks under all that powder!

If some of these tips seem difficult for beginners who aren’t used to putting on makeup regularly yet…well…we sympathize but still recommend sticking with something simpler until after practice makes perfect 🙂


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of how to apply makeup correctly. Remember, it’s important to practice and try different things until you find what works best for you!